Trapline Tips & Tricks

5 trapping Tips

1. Use the best quality equipment and products you can afford. This umbrella statement refers to the bests traps, the best bait, urine, and lures, and the best equipment you choose to take out with you on your trapline.

2. Go scout your properties in the early months of the year while the vegetation is still off and if you can as a bonus tip for this section… take a dog with you.

3. Keep a journal or notebook on your properties and set locations, as well as the products you are using and make note of what is working for you on those properties.

4. Don’t just set one trap. If you are out fishing for a catch in the corner of a field then that might be a sign to move on… granted I know there can be limiting factors to everyone’s circumstance. If you are in a good spot and can afford to set the traps, then set a minimum of 3.

5. Make sure you have a back up or spare of the necessary things you will need on your trapline. It will save you time and a headache.

There are so many other tips we could talk about, but these are some of the ones I wanted to touch base on at this time.

***Bonus tips, when getting permission… make sure you get written permission and not just verbal. I’ve been down that road before. So take my word for it.


News: Fur (Renewable Resource)